SmartSafe Property Bags

Non-Returnable Product

The SmartSafe™ Property Bag is a revolutionary product designed to secure, track and return personal belongings in an efficient and timely manner to the patient. Jewelry, clothing, medication and other possessions secured inside this tamper-resistant bag can be tracked throughout the treatment process.

Key Benefits:

  • Designed by nurses to fit with standard process’ SMARTSafe™ Property Bags will help increase the efficiency patients belongings are cared for and reduce time spent looking for misplaced items
  • The Robust, tamper-resistant property bag, will provide clean & secure storage of patients’ belongings. Ensuring peace of mind for Nursing Staff, the Patient, and facility management that belongings are protected from loss
  • Having all the patients belongings in one sealed bag, simplifys handover between staff, departments, units and facilities. Resulting in a significant reduction in lost items
  • The barcoded wrist band will link the belongings to the patient, the peel of barcode lables give additional ways to track handover between departments and establish a link to the patients physical chart
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