Pulmodyne® VT Select™ BVM, Adult Mask

The VT Select is a manual resuscitator with a timed refill valve. It is recommended by the AHA to deliver 10 BPM of 500-600mL to a standard adult. When activated, the valve restricts the refill of the bag to ~4.5 seconds. This provides your patient ~10 BPM, helping to eliminate hyperventilation of the patient. When the valve is activated, press your thumb and three fingers simultaneously together utilizing the finger ridges to deliver approximately 500-600mL to the patient. This smaller BVM helps to reduce the risk of hyperinflation or barotrauma.
The VT Select can be supplied with an optional PEEP valve, filter or dial manometer.
  • Patient Size: Adult (>40kg)
  • Bag Volume: 1200mL
  • Exhalation Port: 30mm
  • Deadspace: 9.6mL (without mask)
  • Weight: 373g (without mask)
  • Disposable

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